Yep its loud ! You're definately not going to miss this one, but its so 'happy' that I couldn't resist it ! Not for the feint-hearted or those prone to hang-overs but definately one for the young or young-at-heart. It needs to be used alongside furniture, fittings and accessories that are going to complement it not contrast with it. In that sense its not going to be the easiest of papers to use as you will need to be strict with yourself or its going to look a mess ...basically !
I'd go for the room grouping of girl's bedroom, family bathroom (make sure you Polyvine it to prevent it curling or staining) and utility room perhaps ? I like a quirky scheme in a utility room (mine is currently bright blue and I mean bright !) they tend to be easier to dress in a fun way than a kitchen and its always nice to open the door to the engine room of your house and find yourself smiling at your secret scheme than feeling glum at the amount of washing and ironing you have to wade through !
My eyes hurt :) Its a lovely wallpaper design, as are the majority of Graham and Browns patterns, but I can't see myself ever wanting this on my walls. It would need to be hung with such moderation, one roll maximum, or the colours would be much too overbearing for me to cope with (maybe its a sign that Im getting old if wallpaper manages give me a headache?). Personal favourite offered by Graham and Brown is Marcel Wanders Suzanne 18125 :)