(you'll need to scroll to the right on the option below the main image to find the flamingo's - they won't let me do a direct link)
Tomorrow, the carnage begins ! After closing the door to IvyH behind the builders 19 months ago it has taken us this long to build up the courage to open it again. Tomorrow, what has been entitled "The Final Push" begins ! Out with 2 bathrooms, one doorway, one window, one bare brick wall, 57 spindles in the staircase and don't forget the hideous orange wallpaper that we've put up with in our bedroom since moving in over 4 years ago ! and in with .... yep you've guessed it - THE FLAMINGO'S !
I thought it may take more convincing than it did but GB has agreed (and he was given alternatives) that to have these Cole and Son Flamingo's living in our new 'grown up' ensuite will make a great feature wall. I'm sooo excited - about the wallpaper - not about the 3 month schedule of work that lies ahead of us !
Although I'm choosing to hide them away and keep them as my own secret luxury, I'll be making a habit of showing them off to people so maybe if others were to use them they might choose a more visitor friendly feature wall ! We've gone for the original pink flamingo's on the grey background to sit alongside the white suite and black floor tiles. Definately feature wall only - available in a range of colours, click on link to see more.
Off to take photo's for the 'before' shots, then get packing - everything into boxes hopefully to be taken out again this side of Chistmas !
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