My first major decision has been what image to use as the opener...I deliberated and contemplated and tried to think of something that represented June...sunshine (we've got some for once but didn't want to be responsible for bringing it to an end by talking about it), bloomin' football (David Beckham was up there believe me), tennis (not really in full flow yet) then it hit me...Pimms !
We have a great mix of articles for you this month so my suggestion is you pour yourself a lovely refreshing glass and sit back (preferably with your sunnies on and your feet in the paddling pool ...wifi permitting) and enjoy..... (now for the really scary bit I have to try and work out these links !!)
First up this month we have some brand new blogs, Marianne at BagPod's Half a Book ? Her plans to send 'virtual postcards from South Wales to the Philippines' and Jacqueline from Organic Baby Clothes Direct has written her first post about Organic Cotton Facts with some real thought provoking points.
Sam at Mumazing (host of July's carnival) has had a tough week with her business - would a walk in the park would lift her spirits? Find out about how parks are a budget-conscious mum's best friend over at Baby Budgeting.
On with business and Antonia from Family Friendly Working has written about the Implications for your business of the Coalition Government . 'She's Trying To Destroy Me! Coping with Competition and Flattery in Business' is this month's topic from Natalie at Self Employed Mum, and dealing with another potential business stress is Business Ethics from Karen at Learning Made Fun discussing honesty and integrity . Helen at Business Plus Baby talks in this month's article about the term 'Mumpreneur' and equality in childcare.
On to some more personal articles, two to feature for June, first up in celebration of Breast Feeding Awareness week we have Arabella from the Natural Nursery Blog with her very own inspiring Breastfeeding Story. Tracy-Jane has written a beautiful article about her Mum, One year on - Life without a loved one.
The children, we can't not mention them can we ? Seema at Kidz4mation has written about 'When little people go red with rage ! ' full of useful tips on how to cope with 'those' moments. And Jude at Artful Adventures has been in the presence of Mister Maker !! Read about his visit and Eldest Son's moment of fame.
Wow - nearly there ! (Definitely feeling in need of a Pimms now as having to apologise for not being able to get the links to look pretty like other people have - note to self go on a blogging course !!) Finally, this month a challenge ...Helen and Sam at Mums The Boss have set you a "It's all about YOU!" Daily Challenge, see if you can stick to it ?
Don't forget to get to check out www.businessplusbaby.com for details of July's carnival.
Hey - looks good! Some very interesting articles and posts there.