Its late I know (what are we about the 9th January ?) but that is kind of in keeping with my 'Resolution'...note the singular... for 2010.
In the run up to Christmas we were mad busy, doing the things that people who work in retail do and transforming our house back from building site to family home. Christmas Day arrived (was fab - ate turkey in PJs) then we packed up and went down to Torquay for a few days into the New Year.
All this time I had a niggle at the back of my mind that I hadn't had chance to do 'my plan'. I'm a control freak ...I quite openly admit it ...I need to know what's going to happen and when and therefore, I need to plan. I needed to get straight in my mind what it was that I was going to focus on at the the start of the new year, start of the new decade. I was mentally conjuring up a resolution list that would resemble more of an update on the business plan with my life splattered around the edges.
It got to New Years Eve, we had left the small people with M-i-L (thank you x) and we had the whole afternoon to ourselves...TIME...The others were hitting the local tourist shops but instead we got on the tiny ferry across the very cold and choppy River Dart and wedged ourselves into the corner of a very lovely, very busy, very tiny pub (in the daytime !!) "Right" I thought "GB can hit the papers, I'll attempt my plan" But, it was just so lovely having time to sit there and talk about nothing important (why SJP is striking in appearance and who was too skinny in Grazia), munching on ham, chips and egg and drinking me'spritzer, that I didn't want to plan, I wanted to enjoy the moment, enjoy the time.
It goes so fast, I know there are so many cliches about it going quicker when you get older, have kids etc etc but I had struggled over the course of 2 weeks to find 20 minutes to sit down with a pen and paper. It struck me that the priority had to be to sort out my time balance.
Sunday 3rd January about 10.30pm I got round to it...I (while keeping half an eye on Daniel Craig on the TV) split out my average week allocating the current time split that I have across work, children, housework and me. An eye opener and a bit of a pathetic picture to tell you the truth...all housework and no fun making Sarah a very dull, boring and fed up person. But at least I had my plan of what I needed to change.
Tuesday 5th January, playing with the children after they had got home from school, childcare potentially over for the week due to weather forecasts and me still not getting round to achieving the me part of the revised time schedule and I thought what am I faffing about for ??? ...why don't I just lighten up and enjoy myself ?
So that's my Resolution ...I know my current balance is wrong I should be having fun not planning. I know I'm lucky and I don't always appreciate it (cue huge test of being snowed in for 3 days with 2 small people on my own not even able to get the pram out never mind the car). I know I feel better if I have lists going left, right and centre ...but I've decided I've got to challenge myself and every time I feel the need to list or plan or organise I'm just going to stop and enjoy myself instead. Life is passing by way too quickly for my liking at the moment and I want to make sure that 2010 is my happiest, longest year ...
(sooo tempted to add in 2.get fit 3.drink less Starbucks 4.increase business turnover by 50%....but am off to beat my 3yo on Super Mario Carts instead)
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