I'm a fan of words...words to provoke thoughts, memories, smiles...

I was browsing (should really be drooling) over a whole host of new ranges that have launched recently and I couldn't help but pick up on this company. These are vinyl pieces that are added over the existing wall covering. I love the scale of these designs, as you can see from the entrance hall image they are not for shrinking violets... but they are removable (hmmm not sure I ever really trust that something is 'really' removable). There are a range of standard quotes or a bespoke service if you have something specific that you are looking for. They are also really adaptable to different rooms -"Rub-A-Dub-Dub" "Kiss the Cook" (sorry cheesey I know). Finally, the pricing, I always go on about what good value feature wallpaper is in comparison to wall art but it definitely deserves a mention in this case, ranging from £20 to £30 I'd say worth a try.

I can't do a post about words without mentioning a personal favourite site The Keep Calm Gallery. (www.keepcalmgallery.com) I came across them in a Sunday Times editorial after they were the first people to relaunch the WWII print of the slogan Keep Calm and Carry On. I have then gone on to purchase numerous screen prints that are adorning the walls of Ivy House. Sitting here at my desk, I'm surrounded by their Eye Charts quoting various things from 'Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder' to 'Hindsight Is Always 20 20'. At one point I think I did have an addiction but they are 'different', lovely and so flexible to their surroundings.
Sorry for the slight weekend diversion ...back to wallpaper next week...
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