We've got a day with sunshine ! A first for 2010, so I set about trying to find you a nice light spring wallpaper. This cream and silver (vague I know, remember to follow the rules and ALWAYS get a sample and a big one at that - you need to see at least one pattern repeat..I digress..) geometric paper is from Barbara Hulanicki, founder of Biba the fashion retailer back in the 60's and 70's. She's designed a couple of ranges now for Graham and Brown and I think this one has to be my favourite.
The colour was the first thing to catch my attention, so fresh and light just what is needed to finally drag us out of what has seemed to have been the winter that went on forever ! Then the pattern, on reflection I would say its actually quite complex but you only really discover that given time and a bit of daydreaming in its general direction. First impact, for me anyway, was that its clean and got enough going on but doesn't take over everything. I think you could happily put another patterned item alongside it without it dominating.
Another 'safe' wallpaper that would be suitable for using in pretty much any room and a £30 a roll its not too pricey for a designer paper.
....As a slight aside this week if anyone has a particular room that they would like me to try and help out with a wallpaper for please just get in touch and any comments are always gratefully received ....
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